Understanding why you are planning to invest and when you will need to access your money is where the investment process begins. Are you investing for growth, income, or a combination of both? Perhaps you are looking to ensure your legacy is passed on tax efficiently.
The Chester Financial Wealth Management process creates a framework for us to discuss your aspirations, your needs, your expectations, your investment timeframe, your ethical views and your attitude to risk. Listening carefully to your requirements allows us to then build, monitor and continually review an investment portfolio to match.
Our independent approach to financial planning gives you access to financial solutions from across the spectrum, ensuring you have a broadly spread, tax-efficient and wisely invested portfolio. Our process may also help to simplify the administration of your affairs and reduce paperwork, without compromising on diversification.
The value of pensions and investments including the income they produce can go down as well as up and you may not get back the full amount that you originally invested.